e: sfrancis@traditionalbuilder.co.uk      t: 07546 590 404

e: hello@traditionalbuilder.co.uk     
t: 07954 414517

e: sfrancis@traditionalbuilder.co.ukt: 07954 414517
Stephen Francis Logo
The guild of master craftsmen logo
Stephen Francis Logo
The guild of master craftsmen logo

Members of The Guild of Master Craftsmen

Guild Members

The majority of Guild members are modern day craftspeople such as carpenters, builders, plasterers, plumbers and electricians, through to landscape designers, paving contractors, interior designers, bricklayers and flooring professionals. The Guild also represents traditional craftspeople such as cabinet makers, French polishers, furniture restorers, upholsterers, blacksmiths, thatchers, masons and stoneworkers.

Rated and Trustworthy

Whatever their craft, skill or profession, members of The Guild of Master Craftsmen are thoroughly assessed to earn the right to be called master craftsmen. Once accepted, they are required to maintain The Guild’s aims and objectives in order to remain a member. In the event of any dispute. The Guild has a proven procedure for conciliation. This reassures consumers they can trust Guild members.


Click Here to visit Stephen's listing on The Guild of Master Craftsmen Website

Traditional Building Services

Traditional Building Services

The guild of master craftsmen logo